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本站按:下面的案例也许算不上真正意义上的双语教学案例,但如果在非双语教学实验班也能这样做的话, 一定是可以促进广义上的“双语教育”的,在2003年就能这样善于抓住契机进行双语教育渗透,这对我们或许应当是有一些启发的。



案 例 一



然后对照着输入一篇英语译文Hong Kong is the southern gate where our country led to world,there are famous parks and flourishing downtown streets there.。Ocean park of Hong Kong is well known.  Marine theater there,  often gather a lot of visitors who view and admire dolphins,  sea lion's cracking show. On the man-made lake where the bluish waves ripple again, several dolphins and sea lions are giving a performance . They head a ball at some, some jump through hoops, some weight lifting, Some plays of water jumps ,  the visitor can laugh heartily frequently. Hong Kong  is really" Pearl of the Orient one a drop of a incomparably bright ones.


案 例 二


在教学第4课改错小能手查找替换时,通过把中文替换成英文。如把香港替换成Hong Kong,把海洋替换成Sea


案 例 三


第8课插入艺术字在教学修改艺术字过程中,让学生把美丽香港改为Beautiful Hong Kong……


案 例 四


在导入第10课文本框的使用时,师出示一份WORD小报作品。教师说Do you want to make one like this?(你们想做到这么漂亮吗?) Students answer the questions in EnglishYes!










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