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您的位置:首 页视频中心2010 年全国小学英语暨双语教学研讨会侧记(简讯版)

2010 年全国小学英语暨双语教学研讨会侧记(简讯版)

National Conference on Primary School English and Bilingual Education in 2010 

贵州德江电视台播出  (本站2010-11-28编辑转载 / 更新: 2018-04-30

 点击这里 展开,浏览视频相关信息——




  1.  贵州德江电视台:外籍教师在贵州德江
     The Foreign Teachers of Buckland Group are in Guizhou Province (Text, pictures and video)
  2.  站外链接:专访巴克兰外教 杰丝芭莎·索菲(SOPHIE)
     Exclusive Interview with Sophie, the Foreign Teacher at Guangdong Zhaoqing Foreign Language School
  3.  站外链接:“洋雷锋”露西 (Lucy - 欧美加国际志愿者教师) 和她的支教生活
    Foreign Lei Feng” Lucy and Her Teaching Life (OMECA International Volunteer Teacher)
  4.  站外链接:“美国特硕(TESOL)国际英语教师广西认证管理中心”在巴克兰(BUCKLAND)正式成立
    American TESOL Guangxi Management Center Formally Established,Executive Director of American TESOL Exclusive China Headquarters – Mr. Liang Yong Sheng Attend Opening Ceremony
  5. 站外链接: 欧美加(OMECA)国际交流协会领导欧文等一行赴广东高要市考察 实施“一校一外教”计划项目
    Guangdong Gaoyao TV Station reports: Mr. Owen and other Administrators of the Omeca International Exchange Association Paid a Visit to Gaoyao City for the Implementation of the “One Foreign Teacher to One School” Pairing Program
  6. 站外链接: '2011巴克兰·特硕国际来华外籍教师培训班活动掠影(2011.08.)/英文版
     Photos of the 13rd~15th (the 49th~51st for total) Training Programs for Foreign Teachers in Buckland·TESOL International