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认 识 人 民 币

(Get To Know  Renminbi)

设计、执教:高 扬



A. Greeting

T: Good morning class!

 Sts(sing a song): good morning to you,good morning to you,good morning dear teacher,good

                        morning to you!

T: How are you?

Sts: Fine,thank you! and you?

T: I'm fine too! Sit down,please!


T: Please look at the slide,and calculate by yourself. (a few minute later)

T: Are you OK?(OK!)

T: Let's check!Please change with your deskmates. (T announce the anwser,and the sts

   correct for their deskmates.)

T: Have you finished?(Yes!)If you all right,please stand up!one?two?three?......The sts do it

    according to their own situation.

T: well done! One two three!

Sts: Sit up straight!

C.Announce the problem

     T: what do you know from last class?

S: We know Renminbi.

T:what else do you know?

     According to the answer,lead to the new problem——recongnize  the renminbi more than

     oneyuan. Produce the example. Talk with your deskmates exchange in class.

T: well done! What else do you know about Renminbi?  T to teach the sts take good care of


D.Sing a song

T: Please stand up and do the action !


a. excise1:matcheg.  T:I want to buy a pair of shoes.

    S:one hundred yuan. (show it by computer.)

b.excise2:fill in the blanks

    T: What can you see from the picture 1(2)? How much is it ?

    T : How to calculate ?

c. excise 3: fill in the blanks choose someone to answer. chant: one potato two potato three

    potato four,five potato six potato seven potato more!

d. excise 4:

    T: How much is it ? ( 52 yuan ) How can you pay for it ?:

e. excise 5:

    T: If you have 10 yuan ,what do you want to buy? Talk in groups New words:

                 Toothbrush  eraser  toothpaste  cup

    First,read them , then do the excise.

f. excise 6:

    new words:     basketball    pingpong    badminton

    T: 上面的物品我每样买一件,最少要带几张10元的钱?

    Sts discuss in groups.

    T: 我带了20元钱,买了两件不同的物品,你知道我可能买了什么?

g. exercise 7:

     new words:    thermos  toothpaste    

    (show the problem by computer.)  Sts discuss in groups and exchange.

h. excise 8:

    new words:   football

   T: 我的钱正好买一个足球,你猜猜我最多有几张10元?


   Sts discuss in groups and exchange.


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