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作者Curt Edward Witt美国外教 / 湖南新田一中 / 来源:湖南省外国专家局网站



There are many treasures in China. From the great wall outside of  Beijing to the tropics of  Hainan, but my  Chinese  treasure  is  in Yong Zhou County  in the small city of Xintian. My treasure  is Xintian’s people.  Moving  to  Xintian has  been an awaking  and eye  opening experience for me.  I came here with out a  lot of preconceived notions on what China would be  like.   In  America  we  often  hear about  the  business  side  of   China  and  our  trade agreements,  but not about  the Chinese people and  who they are.  When  I  first arrived  in Xintian I was taken aback with the warm hospitality I received. From shop owners to school administrators,   every  one  was  wonderful  and  welcoming.   Xintian  is  a  rural  city,  but  what  it  lacks in modernization it more then make up for in character. Xintian is a place to find peace  and  sit back and enjoy life. Having only lived here for a few months,  I feel at home walking the streets of Xintian.  Living  here among the wonderful populace has inspired me and taught me life lessons that I will cherish and live by for the rest of my life.

The  society of  Xintian  has educated me a lot.  Here,   the  residents  all  look  out  for  one  another,   while keeping themselves  in  a  constant state of balance.  We buy meat that was raised locally,  we eat fruits and vegetables that were  grown  in  the  country outside of town and when we shop we shop locally.  By doing this we are supporting the local economy and  with that the greater good of  the residents of  Xintian.  In  America, the philosophy is;   put me first and that will be better for society. In Xintian the philosophy is; put society first and it will be better for me.  The passion  of  this  philosophy  being  so  prevalent  in  Xintian  has  made  me rethink what type of  citizen I want to be in what ever community I live.

My first week in Xintian I had to set up a back account, so I went to the back  with a  Chinese teacher  whose English name is Jane.  While I was  filling out the necessary paperwork and  old man came into the back. He walked  around  for   a   while,   and   then   spoke  to  the bank representative who gave him some paperwork.  Jane  asked the old man if he needed help and took his papers from him. To my total surprise she started to complete the old man’s paperwork. I asked  her  if  she  knew  him,   thinking  of  course  she  must know  him  or  why be bothered with a task that had nothing to do with her. She replied “ No, he is an old man so I should help him”. I didn’t  think too much of  it then,  but  after living  here, that is a defining characteristic of the people in this town. To help those  who  need help,   not  because it  helps  you directly  or immediately, but because it helps your fellow citizen and with that it helps society and because society is a better place, you are in a better place.

In  America we have a saying “ don’t sweat the small stuff ”,  it means do not overreact  to things that are of  little importance. Unfortunately,  I  have not always  lived  by  this virtue. In America I often “ sweated the small stuff ”. It rarely happens, but sometimes the power goes out in town. Now, if  this happened in America the residents  of  the outage would  be  on the phone to the electric company and demanding that their power be restored.  Their  demands would be relentless, by every one. No one would be content or happy until all is back to normal. But here in Xintian, if the electricity goes out,  we  continue on  with our  lives as if  nothing is missing. Sure we can’t watch T.V. or use land line phones. But, do we really need them anyway? At  night the town illuminates into a beautiful warm orange glow as those without generators light candles.  The sight  alone is beautiful and amazing.   It reminds  me  of  what  it  must have been  like  prior  to the  world  having electricity;  tranquil  and  peaceful, with out  the blaze of  neon lights and  blaring televisions. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

In Xintian I often take a moment to enjoy the here and  now.  At home I  was so focused on the future,  always looking ahead, my next deadline at work, my next car payment or what  I was  going  to  do  on  my  off days.  But here,   the  pace of  life  inspires  me to sit  back and  take pleasure in the moment. We have a wonderful tower here in Xintian.  It was built in late 19th  century  by a   local   Xintian  man  for  the  whole  town  to enjoy.  Along with  the tower there are many  paths among the forest area around the tower.  It offers stunning views  of  the town  and out river.  It is  very relaxing looking  out over  the  town  with  the  river flowing and the mountains in the distance. Being here has allowed me to go up there only to enjoy the view.  Before,  I think I might have gone up there with the only intention to exercise  or to say I made  it  to the top. But now I often enjoy a leisurely walk to the top and take a seat to feel the warmth of  the sun on my face and enjoy some local fruit.

Eating is a center piece of any culture. But I have never put so much thought into what I put into my body until I moved to Xintian.  In America it  was often what was quickest  is  what I ate.  Always being on the go with my fast paced  life style did  not  allow  me to  really sit down and enjoy a good meal.   Here in Xintian I enjoy local food,  especially  the famous dish “blood duck”, a personal favorite of mine. When I go out to eat in Xintian, I know the food is local.

Whether I am eating fruit, vegetables or meat I know it is most likely from Xintian. And that inspires me to take time to relax and enjoy a good meal.  It  doesn’t seem to  do justice to the farmers who spent there time and labor providing me this food to not take the time to enjoy it.

Even when I leave Xintian I will take these inspirations with  me.  Because of  my  time here I will  be able   to  remember that I am part of  a society and my contributions to that society are as important as what  I  do  for myselfDon’t sweat the small stuff  were  only  words  before coming here, now it is a motto to live byThe most  important  thing  about  Xintian is  that  being  here  has taught  me  to  take  in  the moment  at  every moment.  The past is the past  and  the future  will come, but nothing is more important  the moment  that  is right now.  The people of Xintian have taken me  in as one  of their own. I will always be a foreigner in a foreign land, but Xintian will always have a special place in my heart and will forever be remembered as my first home in China.

Curt Edward Witt
United States of America




Mr.Curt 获得外国文教工作者




译 文:




我来新田的第一个星期要去办一张银行卡,所以我跟着一个英语名字叫 Jane 的中国老师一起去了。当我在填写一些必要的表格时,一位老人进来了。在银行的大厅徘徊了一阵后,这个老人跟前台的工作人员说了几句什么之后,那个工作人员给了他一些表格。让我非常惊讶的是,Jane主动问这个老人是否需要帮忙并把老人的表格接了过来帮他填写。我问她是否认识这个老人,心想 Jane 肯定是认识他或者怎么的否则她干嘛要没事找事做呢?她回答说“我不认识他啊!我帮他只是因为他是个老人。”当时,我并没有去想很多,但是在这住久了后,才发现,这是这座小城的人们一种最朴实的特点而已。他们去帮助那些需要帮助的人,并不是因为他们直接地或者是马上就能看到为你自己带来的好处,而仅仅是因为可以帮助其他的公民,而通过帮助他人可以帮助社会进步,这样社会会变得更美好,而你自己也将处在一个更美好的社会。






                                                        作者姓名:Curt Edward Witt

国 籍:美国



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