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   桂林市阳光学校/外籍教师 戴维David Bartlett

David Bartlett(戴维)

【本站按】我校外籍教师戴维David Bartlett) 来自英语国家新西兰(戴维老师的详细情况,请点击浏览我校网站“学校概况栏目中的“资队伍”)。他有比较丰富的教学经验,他热爱孩子,热爱教学工作,和孩子们相处很好,同学们也挺喜欢他。





It was indeed a sunny day as I arrived at Sunny School  to begin  my second year of  teaching English in China.   My  name  is  David  Bartlett,  and I am  a  New Zealander having a great experience living in that oldest of nations that is known today  as  the  People’s  Republic of China.   I first came to China  in  August  of  2004 as one of  many  new  teachers working for Buckland International Education Group,  a Chinese  company  working  out  of Yangshuo, Guilin in Guangxi province.  The teachers that I met there  were made up of  various nationalities,  though mainly British,  American,  Canadian and Australian.   We had  come  from  diverse  parts  of  the  world  for  different reasons, yet united we were in our new experiences within China.

Before  I  arrived  here   in  the  Middle  Kingdom   I possessed only a basic knowledge of Chinese history and culture.  As for the languages, I knew even less ( and I am sorry to say that this has changed little – though I am now able  to  confuse  myself  and  others  in  Cantonese and Mandarin. )  Asian  civilisation  has  always  had  an enchanting and mystical quality to many Westerners, and it  has  drawn  countless  adventurers to its lands over the centuries.  China lies  at  the centre  of  all  this, being the mother  to  all  the  cultures of  east-Asia.     Its  history stretches  back  into  the  mists  of  time,  millennia upon millennia, dwarfing the 165 years of my own nation, New Zealand. 

Guilin,  set amongst the uncounted karst pillars that cover northern Guangxi, is truly a breath-taking site for a city – as well  as  a  perfect  place  for  me  to  start  my Chinese experience.  But barely one week after I arrived, I was sent far from southern China, northward to the capital, Beijing,  and  thence  deep  into  Shandong province to the small town of Huimin.  How different could to places be?  Where  Guilin  was  mountainous,  Huimin was flat to the haze  on  the  horizon.   Where  Guilin  was  ever   green, Huimin  was  brown  and  dusty.   While Guilin possessed many  rivers  and  streams,  Huimin was almost empty of them, but for the mighty Huanghe that flowed just outside the towns limits, carrying the fertile silts from thousands of miles of Chinese landscapes.

I stayed in that town, teaching at Guangyuan Middle School  for  the  best  part  of  a  year,  and enjoyed it very much.  Yet I knew that I wanted to be somewhere else.  I had fallen in love with Guilin, and wished to return to that city after my contract finished in Shandong.  I heard about a  great  primary  school  there from some of my friends at Buckland,  and  was  eager  for  more  information.  I found that  I  might  be  able to teach there starting with the new school  term  in  August  2005.  I  was immensily excited.  After that  I returned to the south for a time,  and taught in Zhongshan, Guangxi, at the primary school Tianzhi for one month before returning to New Zealand to see my family.

I  have seen  many schools in China,  but none have looked as beautiful as Guilin’s Sunny School; the layout of the school grounds, the classrooms, the playground, all of them  help  to  create a wonderful environment in which  to study  and  to  teach.  The bright summer sun  hung  high overhead as  I  passed through its  gates for the first time.  Meeting the headmistress was  a  pleasant and enjoyable experience.  Though  I  could  understand directly only the simpler and slower things that she said, I was left with the impression  of  a  great and  professional  person.   Those qualities  seemed  to  flow  out  to all areas of the school.  Having taught at two Chinese schools previously,  I  found that  that  this  one ,   Sunny  School,  offered  the   best environment.    The  strong  professionalism   in  the  ad- ministration, the discipline, the aesthetics and the overall standards of the school appealed to me very much.  The other schools that I have taught at, while good in their own way, could not compete with this one.

There  are  many  things  that  I enjoy about teaching at  Sunny  School.   The most  important  is  certainly the students.  They are extremely bright, referring both to their personalities and their intelligence.  They work long hours every day, yet rarely do they show signs of exhaustion or bad temper.  On the whole, they are very well behaved in class, displaying a willingness to learn and to improve.  I love  both  the  immense  energy of  the younger students, and the studious diligence of the older.

It is natural for people to be afraid of trying to speak a new language,   being  nervous  about  making  mistakes (particularly in front of others), and yet every day outside of class I am surrounded by students of all ages who wish to speak  with  me.   The students of  grade 1  seem never to bore of the standards “ Hello!  How are you?! ”,   and their cries  can  be  heard whenever  I  see them.  But the older students   are   possessed  of  a  greater  vocabulary  and creativity, and  their  conversations  with me  pass through many topics: their interests, their likes and dislikes,  their families – and  these are just  a  few examples.   To  have contact like this is very rewarding as both a teacher and a person; seeing  the object of  their  classroom  instruction become a tool for friendly conversation is truly the greatest happiness that an English teacher can experience.

It has been great to be here, even for only less than two months as of yet.  The teachers here are inspiring to work  with ,   and  truly  friendly.    It  is  easy  to  see  the enjoyment they have  with their students.    Naturally,  this makes Sunny School a happy place to work.  Though  my lack of  any substantial  Chinese  skills has prevented  me from   getting  to  know  many  outside  of   the  English department,   I  can  only  hope  that  I  can  make  some improvement over the next few months so as to become closer to them.  Given my previous enjoyment, I can only imagine as to how good the rest of my time here will be.

Sunny  School  is  a  productive ,  fun,   and  diligent environment, and one  that the students can  benefit  from greatly.   From  my  time  here ,   it  is  easy  to  see  why students are enrolled here from so many different parts of China.   In  my  opinion,   the school will continue to grow, both in ability and reputation, and it is wonderful to be here as it does so.

                                      David Bartlett, October, 2005


我到达阳光学校的那天,是我开始在中国教英语的第二年的一天,那的确是一个阳光明媚的日子。我的名字 叫大卫·巴特利特,是新西兰人,我现在正在一个具有古老民族的国家——中国体验那里丰富多彩的生活。我于2004年8月第一次来到了中国广西省(即广西壮族自治区-译者注),成为桂林阳朔“巴克兰国际教育集团”的许多新老师中的一员。在那我遇见的老师来自各个不同的国家,主要有来自英国、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚的。虽然我们来自世界各个不同的国家,有着不同的目的,然而我们却都聚集在中国,一起体验这里的新生活。

在我到达这里之前,我只略知一些关于中国历史和文化的基本知识对于汉语, 我知道得甚少(令我尴尬的是:虽然现在这已经有一点点的改变 但我还是把广东话和普通话弄混)。亚洲文明一直令许多西方人 为之感到神秘和着迷,几个世纪来吸引了无数的冒险家来到这里。中国正位于亚洲的中心,是东亚文化的鼻祖。它的历史可以追溯到几千年以前那个遥远的年代相较之我们新西兰165年的历史 ,那真是小巫见大巫。

桂林, 位于广西北部,处在数不尽的岩溶地质的群山环抱之中——真是一个惊人的城市位置.这里也是我开始在中国新体验的好地方。但仅仅在我到达这的一个星期之后,我又被派到离中国南部很,却离首都北京很近的北方地区, 从那时起就呆在山东省一个叫会民的小城镇。多么不同的两个地方啊? 桂林是那么多的青山,会民平坦又多雾。在桂林到处是绿色,会民则满是灰尘的褐色。桂林有许多河流,但会民几乎没有,只有镇外那从中国上千里的地方带着肥沃淤泥的、滚滚流过的黄河.

我留在了那个小镇, 在光源中学教书.我非常喜欢在那教书,在那里度过了一年快乐的时光.然而我知道我还是想要去其它地方的。我已经爱上了桂林,并且想在完成我与山东会民光源中学签的合约后回到那里。我从巴克兰一些我的朋友那听说桂林有一个很棒的小学,我也渴望知道更多的信息。 后来知道我有可能在2005年8月到桂林这所学校开始我的新工作, 我真是非常地兴奋。离开会民我回到了南方一段时间, 在我回新西兰看我家人前,我又在广西钟山的田知小学工作了一个月。

我在中国看到了许多学校, 但是没有哪一所像桂林阳光学校一样美丽的学校教室、运动场等方面的规划,提供了一个很好的教学环境。当我第一次走进学校大门时,明媚的阳光在头顶照耀着。和学校校长的交谈更是一种另人愉快的享受。虽然我只能听懂一些她说得简单或说的很慢的话,但她的专业让我留下了很深的印象。她的那些品质似乎也展现在学校的每个角落。


有很多方面令我在阳光学校工作得很开心。当然,最重要的是学生。他们非常的活泼,聪明,有个性。虽然他们每天会学习很长的一段时间, 但他们很少会表示出疲惫或耍脾气。整体来说,他们在课堂上表现非常好,能自觉地去学习、提高自己。 我喜欢这种精力充沛、勤奋好学的学生。

人是天生就害怕去尝试说一种新的语言的,担心会出错 (特别 是在其他人面前), 但每天课后我就会被各年龄段学生包围着要和我交谈。一年级的学生似乎从不厌烦于询问 “哈罗!你好吗?!, 不管我在哪看见他们,他们都这么喊叫。年级高的学生掌握的词汇量多一些,具有一定创造力, 可以和他们交谈很多的话题: 他们的兴趣他们喜欢和不喜欢什么他们的家庭……这些只是其中的一些例子。像这样的交流对老师和学生都是非常有益的看到他们教室里挂的育人名言成为了指引学生友好交谈的工具,能让一位英语老师真正体会那种无比快乐的感觉.


阳光学校是个充满乐趣,勤奋学习的地方, 在这的学生能从中受益颇大。从我来这的一段时间,我明白了为什么来自中国不同地方的学生会来到这里学习。依我之见,学校将会继续向前发展,它的能力、名誉和地位将会不断地提高.能来到阳光工作真是荣幸之至,真是太棒了!!







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